Posted in dcapi, DCAPI blog, Elderly, iNET Scooter, Research, research project, Workshop

(iNET) Intelligent Mobility: Making it a Commercial Reality – National Space Centre


Amr Presenting a Poster at the National Space Centre, Leicester. iNET Transport, Mobility Scooter with Navigation System

Amr Ahmed has been invited for this iNET Transport event at the National Space Centre, as has been a partner in one of the iNET Transport projects. During the day, Amr presented a Poster, with support from Tony Daniel, about his iNET project; Mobility Scooter with navigation system (Demo video at: and list of Projects at )



Amr Presenting a Poster at the National Space Centre, Leicester. iNET Transport, Mobility Scooter with Navigation System

National Space Centre – Leicester

Posted in Computer Vision, dcapi, DCAPI blog, EPSRC network, Knowledge Engineering, Language, Research, Workshop

V&L Network workshop, Brighton

Dr Amr Ahmed attended the Vision & Language Netowork Workshop in Brighton last Thursday 15th September, where 2 posters and oral presentation were presented from the DCAPI group.

DCAPI poster at the V&L Network workshop - Sept'11 - Brighton

DCAPI poster at the V&L workshop


Over 40 researchers, from vision and language areas, attended and it was a good opportunity for networking and exchange of contacts and ideas. Posters and sides will be available on the network’s website in the near future

Amr and a keynote speaker

Amr and a keynote speaker

Amr and a keynote speaker

Amr and one of the keynote speaker


Mr Amjad Altadmri also attended and presented in the event.

Some nice photos in Brighton,

Amr in Brighton Pier

Amr in Brighton Pier

with some Icereame! :)

Posted in dcapi, DCAPI blog, Elderly, NDA program, research project, SUS-IT

ECM9 and Audit meeting for SUS-IT project

Dr Amr Ahmed participated in the 9th Executive Committe Meeting (ECM) of his SUS-IT project, at Loughborough, on 9th Septmeber. This was immediately followed by an Audit meeting with an NDA representative.

Very interesting to see the work of such a large consortium coming together during the final year of the project, with experienced researchers/professors.  An excellent experience.

Posted in dcapi, Elderly, NDA program, research project, SUS-IT

SandPit 4 B – SUS-IT project

Amr participated in the 2nd part of the SandPit 4 event within his SUS-IT project (funded by the NDA program, 5 research councils). One of the interesting topics is around how help (automated/semi-automated…) provided to elderly while using ICT to enable them to stay longer and have better life style at their own homes.

The 1st part was held earlier in July.

Posted in dcapi, Virtual training

Demonstration of the DHS prototype

Amr presented the DHS prototype, from the ”Mastering DHS” project {Dynamic Hip Screw surgery}, to the participants of the “Evolutoin of Knee Replacement Surgery” Meeting, hold earlier in June, within the University of Lincoln.

This project looks at computer-based virtual training for the junior surgeon, for improving the hands-eye-brain coordination for the DHS surgery, with benefits to patients, trainees, and the NHS.

Amr was invited by Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon. 

Posted in Conference, dcapi, DCAPI blog, DHS, Surgeon training, Virtual Reality, Virtual training

Masterig DHS

Mastering DHS is an initial prototype for

virtual training of Junior surgeons for the DHS (Dynamic Hip Screw) surgery.


It aims at improving the Hand-eyes-Brain coordination by providing a computerised training system, constructed from affordable Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COT) componenets.

This work is in collaboration with Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon in the Lincoln Hospital.


Project in the media/press:

Conference paper here:


For further details, please contact:

Contact details On the Web:
Dr Amr Ahmed
School of Computer Science
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
Lincoln LN6 7TS
United Kingdom
On Academia:
On ResearchID:
Tel.: +44 (0) 1522 837376
Fax.: +44(0) 1522 886974
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