Posted in commonsense knowledgebases, Compressed Video, Computer Vision, dcapi, DCAPI blog, DHS, Elderly, EPSRC network, I-Frame, iNET Scooter, International, Knowledge Engineering, Language, NDA program, PhD, Research, research project, semantic gap, Semantic Video Annotation, Surgeon training, SUS-IT, Uncategorized, Video Analysis, video information retrieval, Video Matching, Video search engine, Virtual Reality, Virtual training
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Welcome to the DCAPI research group.

Our multi-disciplinary research is mainly focused on the analysis and mining of digital contents (Visual; images and videos, and textual). This includes Computer Vision, Image/Video Processing and analysis, Semantic Analysis, annotation, Action recognition, Image/Video Matching and similarity (Copy & Near-Duplicate detection), and many others.

We welcome any discussion and potential collaboration. Please get in touch with us (contacts on the right side-bar).

Posted in dcapi, Virtual training

Demonstration of the DHS prototype

Amr presented the DHS prototype, from the ”Mastering DHS” project {Dynamic Hip Screw surgery}, to the participants of the “Evolutoin of Knee Replacement Surgery” Meeting, hold earlier in June, within the University of Lincoln.

This project looks at computer-based virtual training for the junior surgeon, for improving the hands-eye-brain coordination for the DHS surgery, with benefits to patients, trainees, and the NHS.

Amr was invited by Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon. 

Posted in Conference, dcapi, DCAPI blog, DHS, Surgeon training, Virtual Reality, Virtual training

Masterig DHS

Mastering DHS is an initial prototype for

virtual training of Junior surgeons for the DHS (Dynamic Hip Screw) surgery.


It aims at improving the Hand-eyes-Brain coordination by providing a computerised training system, constructed from affordable Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COT) componenets.

This work is in collaboration with Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon in the Lincoln Hospital.


Project in the media/press:

Conference paper here:


For further details, please contact:

Contact details On the Web:
Dr Amr Ahmed
School of Computer Science
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
Lincoln LN6 7TS
United Kingdom
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Tel.: +44 (0) 1522 837376
Fax.: +44(0) 1522 886974
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