
Integrating Mobility Scooters with Smart Homes [2009-10]
iNET Transport funded project, in collaboration with DMU, investigating improving the technology support for Mobility scooters for out of home activities.See a demo here:
SUS-IT: Sustaining IT use by Older people to promote autonomy and independence. [2009-12]
A multidisciplinary Collaboration Project, New Dynamics of Ageing (NDA) program, (Joint funded by ESRC/BBSRC/EPSRC/AHRC) {This is 1 out of only 6 projects , all over the UK, funded by the NDA this round}. Partners include Universities of Loughborough, Surrey, Nottingham Trent, Dundee, Middlesex, Anglia Ruskin.
Interactive Mixed Reality Clinical Training System/Framework
In collaboration with Acupuncture studies, and funded by internal FED grant. This project is to contribute to the improvement of the skills of Acupuncture students/trainees by developing an interactive mixed reality computer system for clinical training.
Mastering DHS
In collaboration with Prof. M. Maqsood, NHS (United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust). The project aims to facilitate a safe (off patient) training to improve the Hands, Eyes and Brain coordination of trainees and junior surgeons, through a computer-based training system.

QR Context-aware Mobile navigation [2010]
Utilising mobile phones, with QR codes, for indoor (and outdoor) navigation.
Path drawn in red, Mobile in-door navigation (iPhone App, QR)


Stylistic Analysis and mining of textual contents [2008-2012]
Full Ph.D. scholarship funded by the University of Damascus, Syria.
Virtual Pets [2008]
Virtual Pets: Multilayered Influence Maps for Developing Spatio-Temporal Memory for Virtual Agents in Artificial Life Games”, UROS’08
Semantic Video Analysis and Event Detection [2007-2011]
Full Ph.D. scholarship funded by the University of Damascus, Syria.
NDA Preparatory Network (SUS-IT) [2007-2008]
New Dynamics of Ageing (NDA) Preparatory Network, (Joint ESRC/BBSRC/EPSRC/AHRC), “(Preparatory Network) SUS-IT: Sustaining IT use by Older people to promote autonomy and independence”; Amr Ahmed is a named investigator on this network grant whose partners include Universities of Loughborough, Surrey, Nottingham Trent, Dundee, Middlesex, Anglia Ruskin, amongst 30 other partners.
LIT [2009]
LIT: Lincon Interaction ToolKit, EROS’09
vCSI [2007]
vCSI: Virtual Crime Scene Investigation Using GameEngines. UROS’07

We welcome any potential collaborators and/or potential researchers/students to contact us to discuss any potential research ideas.

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